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Curriculum Vitae


  • Solar System • Exoplanetary systems •
• Asteroids • Exoplanets • Moons • Satellites • Space missions •
Research Interests
• Three-body Problem • Perturbation Theory •
• Resonant structures • Mean-motion resonances • Co-orbital motion •

My field of expertise concerns mathematical physics, celestial mechanics and astrodynamics problems, studied by means of perturbation theory, analytic developments and numerical methods.

I’m especially interested to the three-body problem in the framework of:

  • an asteroid or a spacecraft that orbits the Sun in some resonant regime with a planet;

  • exo-planetary systems;

  • the non-trivial motion of artificial satellites generated by a resonant structures and diffusion mechanism.

My special research results and expertise concern the co-orbital motion

(also called 1:1 Mean-Motion Resonance), that is the dynamics of two “small” bodies (two planets or a planet and an asteroid) which orbit the Sun or a star with the same period of revolution. 

A major example is given by the moons Janus and Epimetheus that gravitate Saturn with the same period on coplanar and circular orbits that swap every 4 years after a relatively close encounter.

From the mathematical point-of-view, I work in the framework of dynamical systems. More specifically, I study the existence of normal forms in the purpose of showing the existence and the persistence of certain particular dynamics in finite dimension.

In particular, my works focus on the existence and stability of periodic or diophantine quasi-periodic invariant torii in the 3BP.

Mainly through algebraic computations (construction of normal forms with computer algebra systems), rigorous estimations of analytic developments and with the help of numerical studies, I intend to improve the understanding of non trivial dynamics followed by celestial objects in the solar system and outside.


Philippe Robutel
Laurent Niederman
Alain Vienne
Elisa Maria Alessi
Sara Di Ruzza
Inmaculada Baldomá
Mar Giralt-Miron
Marcel Guardia
Ancre 1

Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

6. “On the co-orbital asteroids in the Solar System: medium-term timescale analysis of the quasi-coplanar objects”

Sara Di Ruzza, Alexandre Pousse, Elisa Maria Alessi

Icarus (2023).


5. “Revisiting the Averaged Problem in the case of mean-motion resonances of the restricted three-body problem. Global rigorous treatment and application to the co-orbital motion” 

Alexandre Pousse, Elisa Maria Alessi


Nonlinear Dynamics, 108: 959–985 (2022).


4. “On the co-orbital motion in three-body problem: the existence of quasi-periodic horseshoe-shaped orbits”

Laurent Niederman, Alexandre Pousse, Philippe Robutel,


Communications in Mathematical Physics. 377: 551-612 (2020).


3. “On the co-orbital motion in the planar restricted three-body problem: the quasi-satellite motion revisited”

Alexandre Pousse, Philippe Robutel, Alain Vienne,


Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 128 (4): 383–407 (2017).


2. “Rigorous treatment of the averaging process for co-orbital motions in the planetary problem”

Philippe Robutel, Laurent Niederman, Alexandre Pousse

Computational and Applied Mathematics 35: 675-699 (2016).


1. “On the co-orbital motion of two planets in quasi-circular orbits”

Philippe Robutel, Alexandre Pousse,

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 117 (1): 17–40 (2013).


Conference proceedings:

3. “An Arnold diffusion mechanism for the Galileo satellites”

Alexandre Pousse, Mar Giralt, Inmaculada Baldomá, Marcel Guardia, Elisa Maria Alessi,

Congress proceedings of KePassa 2022, Logrono University, Spain (2022).

Abstract Book of the conference available here; 

Proceeding available here

2. “A stable heliocentric disposal strategy for LPO missions, inspired by the natural co-orbital motion of Saturn’s moons”

Alexandre Pousse, Elisa Maria Alessi,

Congress proceedings of 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE (2021).

Abstract available here;

Proceeding available here.

1. “The family of quasi-satellite periodic orbits in the circular co-planar restricted three-body problem" 

Alexandre Pousse, Philippe Robutel, Alain Vienne,

Complex Planetary Systems Proceedings,

International Astronomical Union Symposium N°310: 172–173,

Editors: Z. Knezevic & A. Lemaitre (2014)



1. “On the role of the fast oscillations in the secular dynamics of the lunar coplanar perturbation on Galileo satellites”

Elisa Maria Alessi, Inmaculada Baldomá, Mar Giralt, Marcel Guardia, Alexandre Pousse,


Arxiv (2024)

Popular science articles:

1. “Janus et Épiméthée: un ballet perpétuel autour de Saturne? De l’observation astronomique à la théorie KAM”

Alexandre Pousse, Laurent Niederman, Philippe Robutel,

Images des Mathématiques, CNRS (2018).


About my Ph.D.:

Thesis: “Les quasi-satellites et autres configurations remarquables en résonance co-orbitale’’

Ecole doctorale Astronomie & Astrophysique d’Île-de-France

Observatoire de Paris - PSL University


sous la direction de Philippe Robutel & Alain Vienne

et d'après les rapports des Professeurs Antonio Giorgilli & Anne Lemaître

soutenue le 30 Septembre 2016 à l'amphithéâtre de l'Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris

devant un jury présidé par:

  • Jacques Féjoz, Professeur de l'Université Paris-Dauphine & Observatoire de Paris


et composé par:


  • Antonio Giorgilli, Professeur de l'Università degli Studi di Milano

  • Anne Lemaître, Professeur de l'Université de Namur

  • Philippe Robutel, Chargé de Recherche CNRS & Observatoire de Paris

  • Andrea Venturelli, Maître de Conférence de l'Université d'Avignon

  • Alain Vienne, Professeur de l'Université Lille-I & Observatoire de Paris

Slides of the Ph.D. defense are available here.

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